AFCEA Tokyo Chapter

Welcome to AFCEA 東京 TOKYO, the Tokyo-based chapter of the globally renown AFCEA organization. We are a not-for-profit dedicated to STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – education, collaboration, interaction, and networking.


The past almost two years has been a major whirlwind for not just AFCEA 東京 TOKYO, but the entire world as we knew it. In the early months of 2020, when we opted to postpone TechNet 2020, we never imagined a global pandemic utterly transforming our lives to the level we are still acclimating to today. Having said that, we have awoken from our long slumber and are still peeling the cobwebs off of our fledgling chapter. Although we continue to yawn and remove morning sand from our sleep weary eyes, we are interested in getting back into action. Over the past few months many folks have inquired about AFCEA 東京 TOKYO, and we are happy to say we intend to get back into the swing of things. STAY TUNED for more details as we work on a few things in the background. In the interim, we have a DISCORD server where we all publicly collaborate. If you are interested in chatting with the team – or what is left of it – and networking with each other, please visit us on DISCORD.

JOIN US ON DISCORD! Interested in getting involved with the AFCEA 東京 TOKYO community? Come join us on our newly launched Discord server, where you can chat with the AFCEA 東京 TOKYO family, and network with like-minded people in the Tokyo, Yokosuka, Yokota, Atsugi, Zama, and other surrounding areas. We have a number of channels catering to various topics and communities, as well as one dedicated for publishing information about upcoming AFCEA 東京 TOKYO hosted events. Come join the festivities and get involved! Unsure what Discord is all about? Visit the Discord web site to learn more about this community-oriented environment. Download native macOS, Windows, iOS, iPadOS, and Android apps to stay in touch with your AFCEA 東京 TOKYO family.

Tokyo Chapter of AFCEA
Tokyo Chapter of AFCEA

See AFCEA's People, Ideas and Solutions In Action

Section Title
AFCEA Directories
Accordion Items
Cyber Security Directory

The Cybersecurity directory contains information gathered from organizations that offer products or services that focus on cyber needs.


Education Directory

Organizations featured in the Education directory specialize in education, training and professional development.



Intelligence Directory

Companies found in the Intelligence directory offer products or services useful to government and intelligence community and professionals.


Chapter News

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